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Lilith's Brood Trilogy by Octavia E. Butler- £10.99
Lilith's Brood Trilogy by Octavia E. Butler- £21.40

Audiobook of the Month

Welcome to the Audiobook of the Month page!

We are thrilled to share our favourite audiobooks with you every month! Can you blame us for having multiple favourites in the world of literature? This way, you get to discover something new each month—a win-win situation!

Why do we think this is important? Because it's a fantastic way to introduce children who might not be keen on reading to great stories, helping to develop their interest in books. It's also a wonderful opportunity to build and strengthen your relationship with your little ones as you listen to the stories together. Perfect for bedtime, road trips, or quiet time, our collection brings tales to life with captivating narrations.

Dive into stories anytime, anywhere!


What's special about this month's book?

We adore Maggie Sparks for all that she is; chaotic, unhinged, loving, innocent, smart, scared, and simply a little girl. Let's explore her very human, childlike emotions as she meets her baby brother in this month's book, Maggie Sparks and the Monster Baby!

If your little one has a baby sibling, they're likely experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. We recommend playing this audiobook for them while you read along. The lively narrative ensures children stay engaged and helps them process new and challenging feelings.

Join Maggie, her baby brother Alfie, Dad, Mum, Grandad, and Bat the chameleon on a magical journey. With a bit of wing magic, loads of fun, and some subtle lessons, this book offers something for everyone. As a parent, you might even learn something new!

 Chapter 1:   
 Chapter 2:   
 Chapter 3:   
 Chapter 4:   
 Chapter 5:   
 Next Time:   